2016 Penn Alumni Club of Colorado Post- Holiday Celebration and Ben's Bash
Please join the Penn alumni group for live music featuring members of the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra, appetizers, beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages. We’ll also celebrate Ben’s 310th Birthday! As always, proceeds will benefit The Gathering Place, Denver's only daytime drop-in center for women, children, and transgender individuals who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. Wednesday, January 27, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP 370 Seventeenth Street (Republic Plaza)
$10 (club members and YPenn alumni: 2005 or later graduation) $20 (non-members and guests) $35 (annual membership fee.) If you join now, no cost to attend this event! Purchase your ticket(s) here!
Questions? Contact: Robin Kane President, Penn Club of Colorado |