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ACTL: Lunch Hour with Robert B. Fiske

Date: 08.07.15
Time: 11:45 am
Location: Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP
Sponsored By: American College of Trial Lawyers

Robert B. Fiske Jr., the former President of the American College of Trial Lawyers, will speak at WTO about his legendary legal career.Mr. Fiske is one of the most prominent trial lawyers in the U.S. and is considered the heart and soul of law firm Davis Polk in NYC. He was formerly the US Attorney in the Southern District of New York.  He authored the imemoir, "Prosecutor Defender Counselor."

Colorado Fellows of the American College of Trial Lawyers are invited. he ACTL group is limited to one percent of the lawyers in the state and includes many of the finest trial lawyers in Colorado.

Bob's cases and career, which include the following.

Bob’s representations

---Independent Counsel, Whitewater Investigation

---Represented US Attorney General Griffin Bell

---Represented Clark Clifford and Robert Altman

---Represented NFL in antitrust suit brought by the USFL

---Represented the NY Mets

---Represented Defendant in Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident

Bob’s recognitions and awards

---President, Federal Bar Council

---The American Lawyer Lifetime Achievement Award

---Michigan Law School Inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award

---President, American College of Trial Lawyers

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