CDLA CLE: Discovery Duel - Plaintiff Versus Defendant Debate & Update
Join us for Discovery Duel:
Plaintiff Versus Defendant Debate and Update
Presentation from 4-5 pm, Happy Hour to Follow
1 hour CLE Applied For
Attend via Webinar or in Person
Free to CDLA Members
The moderator, Tim Schimberg of Fowler, Schimberg, Flanagan & McLetchie P.C., will pose questions to Kevin Kuhn and Michael Keating regarding discovery issues, and they in turn will address the plaintiff’s versus defendant’s perspective on the questions. Such questions will include the appropriate scope of initial disclosures, the extent of retained experts’ file disclosure, over-broad discovery requests, and improper discovery tactics.
Attendees are expected to learn how to be more effective in discovery; the differences between federal versus state court discovery expectations and obligations; the discovery tactics that are most effective; and how to avoid pitfalls with expert discovery and depositions.