Crisis Management for Attorneys - CLE
The Legal Professional Liability Lawyers of Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell LLP
Invite You & Your Firm’s General Counsel, Loss Preventions Leaders, and Other Interested Lawyers to a CLE
Crisis Management for Attorneys
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Registration & Breakfast 7:30 am
Program 8:00 am to 9:00 am
Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell | 370 17th Street | 45th Floor | Downtown Denver
Reply by April 28th to or click REGISTER below.
Featured Speaker:
Bruce Hennes, Managing Partner, Hennes Communications
Complimentary parking in Sheraton Hotel Garage.
Enter on 15th between Cleveland & Court.
Approved for one (1) General CLE Credit.
WTO’s Professional Liability Lawyers invite law firm leaders and practitioners for this fast-paced and practical presentation by veteran crisis management and communications specialist Bruce Hennes. Bruce will share strategic approaches to:
- communicating in a wide variety of “sticky” situations
- establishing and maintaining “control of the message” and moving it forward
- mounting a defense against a sudden press onslaught
- helping your clients communicate during a crisis
It takes a lifetime or more to build the reputation of a law firm or individual lawyer – and only moments to destroy one.
With the Internet today, legal controversies are tried in the Court of Public Opinion as much as in any Court of Law. With a single mention on social media, years of exceptional client service or a firm’s stellar standing in the legal community can dissolve in an instant.
Claims of malpractice and professional liability, sexual misconduct, data theft, violence, financial mismanagement, fraud, and inappropriate behavior by professionals swirl around in the news every day. The coverage and the threat of such matters keep law firm general counsel and loss prevention partners up at night.
Every organization—law firms, corporations and nonprofits —is at risk when controversies becomes public. The reputation of a firm, and its clients, is immeasurable (and perhaps their largest uninsured asset). There is loss when any image is tarnished. Negative results may occur even if technically there is a win at trial or a situation is acted upon and corrected immediately. Managing public perception has become integral to the strategy of many law firms and the clients they serve.
RSVP by April 24th using the registration bar below or email with your plans to attend.
Bruce Hennes has over 35 years of experience working in politics and public relations. He counts among his firm’s current and former clients scores of law firms, municipalities, school districts, educational institutions and several household name brand corporations. Mr. Hennes has delivered this session as a plenary for the International Municipal Lawyers Association and American Bar Association’s Leadership Conference. Hennes serves on the board of the Cleveland Leadership Center and is one of the founders of the FBI Citizens Academy Foundation of Cleveland. He is an adjunct professor in the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University, and frequently presents before state bar and trade associations. Mr. Hennes is a member of The Press Club of Cleveland. He also serves on the executive committee of The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, and received that association’s first-ever President’s Award.