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Holly Ann H. Morgan, M.D.

Physician Analyst

P. 303.244.0147


Dr. Holly Morgan provides medical case analysis, with comprehensive review of medical records, extraction of key data, and in-depth data analysis, in the context of current medical literature. She assists in the development of standard-of-care and causation defense themes in preparation for expert depositions, mediation, and trial.


  • Reviewed cases and gave testimony in multiple venues in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, California, and Nevada.  
  • Provided medical expert case review on matters relating to care of perioperative, perinatal, ICU/ER, and pediatric patients. 
  • Advised in cases involving complex infectious disease and neuro-vascular issues.
  • Conducted pre-litigation case review, preparation of case chronologies, literature review, case analysis, and assistance with coordination of expert testimony.  Participation in Montana Medical Legal Panels.
  • Served as senior partner and director in an anesthesia practice in Virginia, and served as an anesthesiologist in Georgia and Massachusetts.

Teaching Positions

  • Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Nurse Anesthesia, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Allied Health Professions, Richmond, VA; September 2003 – 2007.
  • Clinical Instructor in Anesthesia, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 1992.

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