IAALS Law Firm Council Fall Plenary Session
The IAALS fall Plenary Session will be held at the Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell offices. It will be a follow up to the Spring 2015 session on proposed changes in both the federal and state rules of civil procedure. Formal invitation and opportunity to RSVP will follow.
· Magistrate Judge Craig B. Shaffer – Judge Shaffer will discuss the pending changes to the federal rules of civil procedure, including implementing cooperation and proportionality.
· District Judge Jerome B. Abrams of Minnesota—Judge Abrams will discuss the work of the Civil Justice Improvements Committee of the Conference of Chief Justices, and upcoming recommendations for change at the state level.
· Brittany Kauffmann, Director of IAALS’ Rule One Initiative—Brittany will give the group a preview of her research and work on culture change within the legal profession—a necessary element of reform along with rule changes.
· Becky Kourlis, Executive Director of IAALS—Becky will lead a discussion on the civil justice reform movement and how those in the room can lead, influence and support the changes.
Who is invited: Each member of the Law Firm Council is invited to send up to four firm members in person. Attorneys at every level of experience are welcome…you may choose to send the same people who attended the April session or you may designate different attendees. We are hoping to be able to web-cast the meeting as well. Stay tuned on details and think about others in your firm both locally and around the world you may want to have join us virtually.
CLE Credits pending: Three (3.) CLE credits PENDING for this session—including two general and one ethics credit.