Press Releases
Law Week Colorado Selects Andrew Efaw Among its 2012 Lawyers of the Year
DENVER: Law Week Colorado named Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell partner Andrew Efaw among its 2012 Lawyers of the Year. A colonel in the United States Army, Efaw deployed in April of 2012 to serve an eight-month tour as a military judge in the U.S. Central Command with duty primarily in Afghanistan and Kuwait. While overseas, Efaw wrote dispatches chronicling his experiences from being stuck with vaccination needles in Fort Benning to his perfect depiction of the humanity, horror, and the absurdity of life he witnessed in the war zone. This was his second deployment to the Middle East. In 2004, Efaw served for nearly a year as the senior defense counsel in northern Iraq for the Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. Efaw's service to his country and sacrifice of leaving his wife, five children, successful litigation practice, and the general comforts of home make him one of Law Week Colorado's 2012 Lawyers of the Year.
Upon his return, Efaw will resume his litigation practice at WTO defending complex commercial and franchise cases, medical malpractice claims, and pharmaceutical and medical device product liability claims in federal and state courts throughout the country.
Click here to read Colonel Efaw's dispatches from his most recent deployment.
Trial Tested™ Denver-based civil litigation firm Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell helps its clients resolve disputes that threaten their businesses, brands, products, people, and customers. WTO handles trials, appeals, arbitrations, and related areas of complex civil litigation, including class actions and multidistrict litigation, often as national or regional trial counsel, for many of the nation's best-known companies in a wide variety of industries.