Press Releases
Law360 Interviews WTO's Fred Yarger on Biggest Colorado Decisions of 2023
Law360 turned to WTO Partner Fred Yarger for analysis of the court decisions that shaped Colorado this year.
The article “Biggest Colorado Decisions of 2023” included commentary from Fred on multiple decisions.
The article section about the Colorado Supreme Court’s split decision on the use of a novel warrant for online search engine data heavily quoted Fred. It included, “The ruling reflects a cautious approach by the justices to the merging use of reverse keyword warrants, said Yarger, the Wheeler Trigg partner and a former state solicitor general.”
Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell lawyers have taken more than 1,100 trials and arbitrations to verdict or award and 300 appeals to opinion all across the nation, with exceptional results for our clients.
Established in 1998, WTO today numbers more than 110 trial lawyers and litigators. The firm represents sophisticated clients in high-stakes civil trials, appeals, and related litigation ranging from complex commercial to class actions to catastrophic torts.