Press Releases
Legal 500 US Ranks WTO Among Top 10 Product Liability Firms
DENVER: The Legal 500 United States 2010 edition ranks Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP among the top 10 law firms nationally for product liability and mass tort defense in the automotive and consumer products industries.
In the same categories, it ranks WTO partner Malcolm Wheeler among the top seven lawyers nationally.
It also recommends WTO partners John Fitzpatrick, Hugh Gottschalk, Michael O'Donnell, Jack Trigg, Julie Walker, and Michael Williams for product liability and mass tort defense.
Based on extensive research with corporate counsel, Legal 500 US reports WTO "combines ‘excellent work, sound advice, creative thinking and cost-containment.' This one-office Denver firm has won admirers across the US while its Midwestern pricing structures represent good value."