Press Releases
Legal 500 US Ranks WTO Among Top 10 Product Liability Firms
DENVER: The Legal 500 United States 2011 edition ranks Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP among the top 10 law firms nationally for product liability and mass tort defense litigation in the automotive and consumer products industries and among the top 25 firms nationally in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry.
WTO partner Malcolm Wheeler is ranked among the top seven lawyers nationally for product liability and mass tort defense in the automotive and consumer products industries. A client quoted in the directory describes him as "a Renaissance man in the law who has no equals – he fully understands business and what businesses need."
Legal 500 also recommends WTO partners Hugh Gottschalk, James Hooper, Craig May, Michael O'Donnell, Edward Stewart, Jack Trigg, and Michael Williams for product liability and mass tort defense.
Based on extensive research with corporate counsel, Legal 500 reports WTO attorneys "are ‘leaders in class action defense' and ‘a cut above when it comes to product liability litigation'. The one-office Denver firm represents good value for clients...."