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The American Lawyer Interviews New ACTL President Michael O'Donnell

Date: 10.12.21

Denver: The American Lawyer sat down with Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell (WTO) Founding Partner & Chair Michael O’Donnell to talk shop following his recent induction as the 72nd president of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL). 

In the interview, O’Donnell discussed the priorities for his tenure. He also shared insights on the fundamental importance of jury trials: “When you get six or 12 people in a room, it’s amazing how those life experiences combine to create a really knowledgeable source.”

The first ACTL president from Colorado, O'Donnell also proudly reflected on the quality and character of the lawyers who comprise the state’s trial bar: “I have never walked into a Colorado courtroom and felt the judge was going to do anything other than try to fairly apply the law.” He added, “I’m proud that, win or lose, most Colorado lawyers will go have a beer or shake hands after the case.” 

The ACTL is regarded as the preeminent trial association in North America. No more than 1% of the lawyers in any U.S. state or Canadian province make up its fellows. O’Donnell has been a fellow since 1999 and has served on multiple task forces and committees leading up to his election as president.

Read the whole interview here

Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell lawyers have taken more than 1,100 trials and arbitrations to verdict or award and hundreds of appeals to opinion all across the nation, with exceptional results for our clients. 

Established in 1998, WTO today numbers approximately 100 trial lawyers and litigators. The firm represents sophisticated clients in high-stakes civil trials, appeals, and related litigation ranging from complex commercial to class actions to catastrophic torts.

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