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Riley C. Collins


P. 303.244.1927


Riley Collins represents clients in complex commercial litigation and class actions. He handles cases across a range of industries, including consumer products and services, telecommunications, and construction and engineering.

Before joining WTO, Riley gained valuable experience as a summer associate and law clerk in the litigation group of an international law firm in New York City. He also served as a law clerk to a Colorado Court of Appeals judge. As a law student, he externed for a federal magistrate judge and a federal district court judge. 


  • As a member of the WTO team defending a leading appliance manufacturer in two putative class actions involving appliance service contracts, supported briefing that led to dismissal without prejudice and stay of all discovery in both cases.
  • Supporting fact development, legal strategy, and successful mediation in five commercial actions, including cases involving a software development contract, an international shipping contract, a put option contract, and a business divorce.
  • Supporting fact development work in complex commercial litigation involving more than 80,000 produced documents, including leading preparation of a large manufacturing company's corporate representative for their deposition in manufacturing supply contract dispute.

Other Experience

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Legal Memberships, Activities, and Honors

Colorado Bar Association

Personal Interests

Fly fishing, skiing, road trips

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