Government Service
Bar and Court Admissions
Publications & Speaking Engagements
Presenter, "Two Truths and a Lie," University of Denver Mentoring program, (March 12, 2020).
Presenter, "Overview of Ethical Issues Related to Using Contract Attorneys," Colorado Bar Association, Construction Law Section, (December 12, 2019).
Presenter, "Exploring Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit and Misrepresentation: A Deep Dive into Model Rule 8.4©," American Bar Association, (September 23, 2019).
Presenter, "So Your Lawyer Asked you to Lie – How the Change to Rule 8.4(c) Affects Paralegals" Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association's Education Summit, (September 20, 2019).
Presenter, "COLTAF Accounts 2.0," The Colorado Bar Association, (July 16,2019).
Presenter, "Client Communication: What Should You Say and How Should You Say It When It Comes to Conflicts and Mistakes," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Federal Practice Update, (June 21, 2019).
- Presenter, "COLTAF Accounts," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Successfully Launching and Running Your Own Practice: The Essential Guide, (August 1, 2018).
- Presenter, "Avoiding Conflicts of Interest," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE The Colorado Lawyer Self-Assessment Program: Promoting a Thriving Law Practice, (July 17, 2018).
- Presenter, "ETHICS: Using Social Media and the Rules of Professional Conduct Together – Colo. RPC 1.6, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, and 8.4(c)," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Federal Practice Update 2018, (June 22, 2018).
- Presenter, "Avoiding Conflicts of Interest," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE PMBP* – What It Is and Why You Should Care, (July 19, 2017).
- Presenter, "Competency, Confidentiality, and Candor: Ensuring Compliance with Colo. RPC 1.1, 1.6, 3.3 and 3.4 in the Age of eDiscovery," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Federal Practice Update 2017, (June 16, 2017).
- Presenter, "Rule 1.1 and How Computer Skills Affect Attorney Competence," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Computer Competence for Lawyers, (May 4, 2017).
- Presenter, "What to Do When Your Client Cannot Pay by the Hour — Pluses and Pitfalls of Alternative Billing Arrangements," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Organizing a Colorado Business 2017, (March 16, 2017).
- Presenter, "Ethics," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Advising Entrepreneurs, (March 10, 2016).
- Presenter, "Do's and Don'ts to Avoid Ethics Grievances Being Filed Against You," The Colorado Bar Association's CLE Ethics 7.0, (November 20, 2015).
Other Experience
Burns Figa & Will, shareholder
Lambdin & Chaney, associate
McConnell Fleischner Houghtaling, associate
Legal Memberships, Activities, and Honors
Colorado Super Lawyers Rising Star, 2013-2017
CBA Ethics Committee member, 2014-2019
CBA Lawyers’ Professional Liability Committee
Former Member, 2018-2022
Denver Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association
Former Board Member
Former Programs Committee Co-Chair
ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Special Advisor, 2023-2024
Teaching Positions
University of Colorado Law, Adjunct Professor
Legal Ethics and Professionalism Course, Spring 2021
University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, Adjunct Professor
Legal Profession, Fall 2016, Fall 2017
Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel Trust Account School
Personal Interests
Playing piano, hiking, and taking road trips