Won a complete defense jury verdict in a complex legal malpractice case.
In her second consecutive legal malpractice trial victory in four weeks, managing partner Carolyn Fairless, along with associate Christopher Montville, won a complete defense jury verdict in state court in Colorado for WTO's law firm client in a $12 million case alleging malpractice and conflicts of interest. The case spanned many years of representation and involved a complex $31 million asset sale and a number of underlying lawsuits.
Through motions practice, WTO narrowed the claims significantly before trial. Given the complexities of the case, the trial team used both electronic and print demonstratives to help jurors understand the claims and our trial themes. Ultimately, the jury found in favor of our client on all of the plaintiffs' claims, and also found in favor of our client on its counterclaim for unpaid legal fees owed by the plaintiffs.