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Won a jury verdict for an international polo star in commercial dispute.

Date: 05.20.24

WTO lawyers won a plaintiff’s jury verdict in the Southern District of Florida for Argentine polo star Adolfo Cambiaso and his company, La Dolfina. The nine-day trial before Judge Aileen Cannon followed a dispute over the cloning and breeding of polo horses. 60 Minutes has called Cambiaso “the Tom Brady of polo.”

The dispute involves Cambiaso’s horse, Dolfina Cuartetera, regarded as the greatest animal in polo history. Her clones have dominated the sport. The suit claimed that Cambiaso’s business partner, Alan Meeker, sold clones of Cuartetera to a competitor polo team without Cambiaso’s knowledge after a decade-long business relationship. The claims included breach of contract and trade secret violations.

The defense team argued that Meeker acted within his agreement with Cambiaso. WTO showed that the defendant secretly sold the cloned horses by striking a deal with a Russian businessman on his yacht in the Bahamas. Three clones were sold for $800,000 each, with more to be sold later.
The jury returned a complete verdict for WTO’s clients. A separate order is pending with Judge Cannon.

The WTO team was led by Partner Habib Nasrullah. The trial team included Of Counsel Miles Orton and Associate Will Sowers

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