Press Releases
WTO Releases "2019 - 2020 In Review"
Denver: 2020 was a year like no other. Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell’s 2019 - 2020 In Review captures the challenges that WTO and its clients overcame, and the opportunities we seized together, during this tumultuous year.
Highlights include:
- A $1.25B victory in one of the first fully remote trials in the nation;
- 118 remote oral arguments in 2020;
- 21 trials and arbitrations in 2019 and 2020; and
- 2 high-profile partner additions: Juan Ramirez, the former head of North American litigation for Kimberly-Clark, and Frederick Yarger, the former Colorado Solicitor General, brought new strengths to WTO’s unique litigation platform.
WTO also earned national distinctions, such as being named one of the Top 14 “Most Feared” Firms in BTI Consulting’s Litigation Outlook 2020, and being ranked among the Top 10 Consumer Class Action Defense firms in the U.S. in Chambers USA 2020.
While we pause to reflect on the year that was, we keep our eyes focused on the road ahead with you. As always, thank you for the trust and confidence you place in us, and for choosing WTO for your major trials, litigation, and appeals.
Read the full review here.
Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell lawyers have taken more than 1,100 trials and arbitrations to verdict or award and 300 appeals to opinion all across the nation, with exceptional results for our clients.
Established in 1998, WTO today numbers more than 90 trial lawyers and litigators. The firm represents sophisticated clients in high-stakes civil trials, appeals, and related litigation ranging from complex commercial to class actions to catastrophic torts.