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WTO's Marissa Ronk and Kaleb Gregory Author Bloomberg Law Article on Trial Attorney Tactics

Date: 07.24.24

WTO’s Marissa Ronk and Kaleb Gregory analyzed trial attorney tactics in their article for Bloomberg Law, “Companies’ Internal Policies Shouldn’t Set the Legal Standard.” 

Marissa and Kaleb highlighted a trend: plaintiffs’ attorneys are asking juries to hold defendants liable for violating internal company policies. 

The article included how defense lawyers should preserve “the legal standard of care” in return. Marissa and Kaleb’s explained that “[w]hen you suspect a plaintiff will try to substitute a violation of an internal policy for evidence of the standard of care, you have options. The goal, assuming there was a violation, is to sever any connection between your client’s policy and the legal standard of care. Make sure the plaintiff is not disguising a claim that requires expert testimony as a claim that does not.” 

Subscribers of Bloomberg Law can read the full article here.

Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell lawyers have taken more than 1,100 trials and arbitrations to verdict or award and 300 appeals to opinion all across the nation, with exceptional results for our clients. 
Established in 1998, WTO today numbers more than 110 trial lawyers and litigators. The firm represents sophisticated clients in high-stakes civil trials, appeals, and related litigation ranging from complex commercial to class actions to catastrophic torts.


Kaleb D. Gregory
Associate - Not Admitted in Colorado
P. 314.326.4136
F. 303.244.1879
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